Stefani M.C. Janelli

Jul 17, 2023

Monday Motivation from The MIC's Musicians of the Month: Advice for Independent Artists

Your Weekly Dose of Monday Motivation!

Every month we ask our Musicians of the Month, "What advice do you have for aspiring independent artists?"

They're always sharing such insightful responses, and we thought this week we'd share them you for a little ~Monday Motivation!~

Hunter Guzenski

"Write as many songs as you can. Once you figure out how you specifically create, then just keep at it and write everything you possibly can. Don't try to be, write or make a song like anyone else. Figure out your voice and do the best version of your voice you possibly can. Then the rest will be easy." - Hunter Guzenski

Read more about Hunter Guzenski here


"I'd tell other musicians that fear is the most natural part of this process. The anxiety about diving headfirst into making music ends up being the most comforting thing about it because it's the only thing that doesn't change. Embrace the uncertain and play your fucking heart out." - Skeletosphere

Read more about Skeletosphere here


"The best advice I could give it be persistent. There are days that you may want to give up, but if you don’t fight for yourself who will? And don’t worry about what others may think or say about you. The only thing that matters is if you are happy and doing what you love!"

- Songbird

Read more about Songbird here

Rosie Timmon

"My biggest advice is "Keep going! Follow your dreams, keep chasing them! Follow what your heart is telling you to do, believe in yourself! Since my niece was born I told her the following quote every night and I remind myself everyday of the same thing. You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to." - Rosie Timmon

Read more about Rosie Timmon here

Asha Wells

"I try not to put myself in a box; whenever I think about writing something ‘like this’ or ‘about that,’ I find myself stuck or with subpar material. I’ve learned to let the process wash over me and take the work from there; it has more honesty and breaks down the walls I put up for myself."

- Asha Wells

Read more about Asha Wells here

Jake Roggenkamp

"Network with others and celebrate their work. That is the biggest lesson and it took me far too long to learn. Music is meant to be shared and there is an amazing community of musicians and songwriters everywhere you turn. Get yourself to an open mic as often as possible and support your fellow artists!"

- Jake Roggenkamp

Read more about Jake here