Established in 2020, The MIC (The Music Insight Column) began as a music blog, featuring interviews, music reviews, and artist profiles on its website, social media, and YouTube series.
In 2024, we expanded into The MIC Music Group, transitioning the blog into The MIC Mag, an online magazine, while also offering enhanced label services, PR, and promotional packages. Our growth reflects our continued dedication to supporting independent and emerging artists, providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed on their own terms.
the mic music group
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Stefani Janelli is a passionate music journalist and artist development coordinator, specializing in Indie Artist Branding, Development, and Release Strategy. With expertise in international marketing, media partnerships, and social media management, she helps independent musicians refine their artistry and navigate the music industry. As the founder of The MIC Music Group, Stefani offers personalized 1:1 development and release strategy to support emerging artists. She is also a widely recognized music journalist, known for insightful record reviews, compelling interviews, and weekly music columns across eight Straus Newspapers. Honored as one of Yellowbrick's 40 Under 40 in 2023, Stefani holds a B.A. in Music from Ramapo College of New Jersey with a double concentration in Music Industry and Music Studies.