Today marks the day the first-ever MIC post was published! The first post was a Record Rewind post on The Avett Brothers' album Closer Than Together. Check it out here!
So much has happened on The MIC in these short three years. From a logo change to new types of articles and coverage, a YouTube series, and artist services.
This year alone, we've launched a new blog column covering broader music industry and independent artist topics, one new Interview format (Five Fast Facts), one new song spotlight format (Long Story Short), YouTube shorts, Live! Events coverage and our Musician of The Month feature!
Not only did The MIC cover many international artists, but our blog is reaching far and wide! Some of our top countries aside from the United States include Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Hong Kong, Nigeria, and Italy!
Some of our most popular posts were: 1. The One Man Show That Actually Leaves You Satisfied: John Mayer's 2023 Solo Tour
Overall, The MIC had many high notes! Including featuring over 178 artists, writing 39 reviews, covering 12 interviews and seven live events for a grand total of 98 posts! Think we can top it next year?!