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Mike Freund Unveils Raw Resilience in his Latest Blues Track "Kicking Dirt"

Fresh off the heels of his highly anticipated fourth studio album, "TWENTY TWENTY," Mike Freund continues to make waves in the music scene with the release of his latest single, "Kicking Dirt." His latest release is a testament to Freund's enduring musical talents and creative evolution. Building on the success of his previous albums, Freund's ability to craft compelling and energetic tunes is once again on display, captivating audiences with his signature blend of blues-infused rock. "Kicking Dirt" promises to be another milestone in Freund's musical journey. As he kicks up the dirt with this latest release, it's clear that Mike Freund is not only a survivor of challenges but a thriving and innovative artist. Take dive into his latest single.

Mike Freund

Mike Freund's "Kicking Dirt," is a modern take on blues rock.

From the hard-hitting, loud, and fierce instrumentals to Freund's gritty, weathered vocals, the track unfolds as a rebellious anthem, radiating a raw energy that captivates listeners from the very first note.

The song kicks off with an instrumental arrangement featuring hard-hitting drums, distorted guitars, and a defiant bluesy energy. The instrumental introduction invites the audience into a world where resilience meets rebellion.

Mike Freund "Kicking Dirt"

Describing the song, Mike Freund himself articulates its essence: ""Kicking Dirt" embodies the idea that, no matter how dire the situation may seem, there is strength in simply continuing to move forward, to keep "kicking dirt." This sentiment reflects in the spirit of perseverance that defines the track.

The joy Freund experienced while recording "Kicking Dirt" is palpable in the final product. He notes that the song came together more quickly and easily than any other in his repertoire, a testament to the organic and authentic nature of this track.

Lyrically, the song delves into a narrative of a destructive lifestyle, vividly illustrated with lines like, "My caddy's done, gone up in flames/I gotta .380 Sig Sauer, I can hock for some change/I'd tie one on, but rent is due/I got an old bar tab, I gotta pay that too." Freund's storytelling paints a detailed picture of challenges faced—a life marked by setbacks, yet one that refuses to be defined by them.

LONG STORY SHORT: Mike Freund's "Kicking Dirt" is more than a song; it's an experience—a rallying cry that encourages us all to keep moving forward, no matter the obstacles in our path.


Stream "Kicking Dirt" below!


Written and Arranged by: Mike Freund

Recorded at: MANTIS Records in Tryon North Carolina

Mix, Master, Production: Mike Freund, Mitch Webb

Drums: Jonathon Alcon

Bass: Tad Flecther

Vocals, Guitars: Mike Freund

Organ: Mich Webb

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